Golden Rule Elephant

SWEETSPOT Troubleshooting by Strategy Resource International of Grand Junction, Colorado is a service range specifically geared to assist organizations in maintaining the honor of God.

For some circumstances our more heavily shielded applications may provide additional needed flat-world validation and expedience…

Hop Over:  Executive Command Dynamics

Hop Over:  Plumb Peak Formula – ECD Field Service, Operational Excellence Training

Hop Over:  Workday Renovation

In many workplace climates, we feel fortunate when we can raise the Golden Rule into an operational reality.  However, “In God We Trust,” is still our national motto, and while the golden rule is a step in the right direction, we’ll need to do better still…

SWEETSPOT Troubleshooting is for the person of organizational authority who is willing to take steps to uphold God’s pleasure in organizational conduct and indeed his presence on board your boat.  If you want him around and paying attention, things will have to be a certain way.  We help you optimize your work circumstance towards greater truthfullness.

Here at Strategy Resource International, we feel that Liberty has been given and won by the blessing of God.  Doing simple honor to him is a part of keeping it.  For more on this…

Hop Over:  Right Use of FREEDOM