Good Capitalism

Right Use of The Free Market (We offer you a cup that you do want)

As we see, sometimes in life a thing is so poorly handled, the nuance attached to its name is tarnished.  Do you know the idea behind capitalism is that just as people vote for leaders who serve limited terms to prevent tyranny, people vote by what they buy and support financially for what goods and services will be available rather than being told be a monarch what we will eat and wear and give as gifts?

Notice in the Old Glory Mug graphic, that the Golden Rule Elephant holds the line and all the people, big, small, tall and even flying (represented by animals) are gathered together.  E Pluribus Unam – The Many Are One.  It is a sacrifice and a real challenge to bring our love and trust to this task of unity and acceptance.  We do need to make sure that we don’t throw out true standards and necessary truth.  Veritas – Truth.  Justice can’t go down the road on tolerance alone, yet we must be truly accepting for the melting pot of America and International Liberty to prevail.  In your life you can be true to this and teach your friends and family.

Dollar Vote

When you spend money on a good or service, you keep that good or service around, make it grow and bring it to the attention of other citizen of the global market.  For Liberty to be a practical reality, there needs to be a way to do stuff as a people.  Yes, there is tax that government collects and allocates; kings collect tax too.  The Free Market is regulated fore-mostly by the people’s choice.

The Great Irony

To many people freedom means opportunity to seek wealth.  To others it mean freedom to worship and seek happiness by following God’s leadership.  Ironically, the free market serves both of these motives.  The irony deepens when we consider that the love of money may in fact be the root of all evil.  When we strive to provide the best goods or services we can, money may accumulate.  We can still love the opportunity to serve our fellow humanity and the animals and the world and manage the money as a support to the free market antidote to a dictator’s whimsical control over life.  As we see, greed can clog the merit of a system.

Profit Motive Checked By Purposeful Money Management

Greed grows in cracks in sound operational philosophy.  Whenever possible, money goal markers should be replaced with service & purpose goal markers.  Money is a vehicle and a means, not an end or goal in and of itself for possession.  Money should be converted to comodities that translate beyond the end of these lives.  Our way of conduction our organization needs to generate merit.

Merit: God’s Money System

When a soul shows belief in the truths and values of God merit is produced.  When a person follows actual indications of the right way for them to go or to treat others in the circumstances that rise in life, merit is produced and is stored in connection to this person’s soul.  The merit may be used in various ways in God’s designed system of the Universe.  It is like money.  You know what your company is worth by money measures; what is it worth in terms of merit production?

The Original Merit Troubleshooter

When you are ready to optimize the part your playing by adjusting some elements within the exercise of your range of authority, you need the merit troubleshooter.  Take care of the flat financial features while developing the merit flow.  Human tangles in workday dynamics are often most easily and lastingly solved by a merit focus adjustment.  Your systems may be showing signs of lack of merit flow in the form of disgruntled managers, increasing numbers of custom complaints or high turnover.

We have about 14 cases of these.  Your family, friends and staff will drink ’em up.  Please email us and Suzanne will take your order under her wing.  $10 per mug, discounts for volume. + S&H.