SWEETSPOT Troubleshooting

SWEETSPOT Troubleshooting means: purpose driven change agency.

Isn’t simplicity nice?

Change agency – means driving change in an organization the way it needs to go.

Purpose driven – means we are driving the specific change directives from a vision integrated power called, “Purpose.”

If you company mission statement got lost along the way, is semi-disconnected or never got built, we can help you get this constructed to ensure potent long-term service.  Human beings need a lot of direction and for direction throughout an organization to be strong, it must be cohesive – it must have unity and integrity and this all starts by coordinating your service motive and vision into a clear anchoring statement.

If you don’t have a mission statement, and are facing serious dynamic challenges, we will not delay addressing live situations as may be required by focusing on aspects like the building of a real mission statement.  We will help you get current statuses under control and then help you correct the bulwarksthe powerful fortifications of functional operation that were in sufficient disarray and neglect to allow the circumstance to head into disorder.  The Bulwarks can include effective auditing systems, streamlining functions, leadership development requirements, real strategic planning that is responsive to external and internal factors, budgeting, hiring the right people…


Confidentiality is a top priority.  Even when specific clients don’t care, we actively maintain powerful confidentiality as a statement to all active and future clients that they can, when needed, enjoy and utilize our services with the benefit of protected disclosure environments.  We want you to feel comfortable sharing your vision and insider knowledge so we can provide a brand of support that is outstanding.

Consulting Actuation – Optional ::: (How do we do what needs to happen??)

We have many ways to actuate the adjustment plan we help you forged.  At your discretion, you choose whether you would like us to help implement the change agency or maintain our influence on an outside consulting basis.  We can be hands-on in teaching how to set up and tune effective hiring panels, rebuild review systems, identify proper sub-contractors to handle financial audits or safety management support…

If you know what you are doing, or believe that you have people in your system who can carry out the needed SWEETSPOT Troubleshooting agenda, we are supportive of your confidence.

If you don’t know what you are doing, and your people also may not know what they are doing, it can be imperative that there be in-field guidance towards legitimate change.  Dealing with human systems can involve AMAZING difficulty and always involves AMAZING positive attributes, both hidden and revealed, in the character of key resources.

Sweetspot of Purpose

Purpose is powerful.  Organizational directive is powerful when purpose is clear.  Service Motive and Profit Motive must interface.  The balance of this marriage needs to be monitored.  They serve one another in healthy companies.  Mission Statements can become disconnected when an organization warps to achieve greater revenue than systems can accommodate.  Soon, better employees leave and negative cultures develop.  There is no instant cure for this type of status, so it is very important that the change agency plan be correctly set; otherwise the fix may loose steam.

Harnessing the power of purpose requires right action within specific parameters.  You must use command authority to get your organization performing properly to do justice to the outfit purpose.  This involves much communication, training and building real buy-in.  God given work brings the challenge of right conduct of authority.